general in tails funkin resort

jump to the stars

Yo guys your favorite goof ball is back from his trip and it was horrible also what is a spawn day?

GN guys Guys also I’m gonna be going on a field trip for a week so I’ll be out for a while but I did get a new super classic sonic figure and knuckles figure I can’t post knux now though gotta do it later.

I got one of those sonic goo jit zu things and their weird but stress relieving

When the company JAKKS pacific said “build your sonic world” I think I’m taking it a bit to seriously but here’s my Sonic collection since I haven’t posted it in a while I’ve moved around a few things

Sonic speedsters 59s V2

Happy women’s history day!!! I decided to get a Amy plush from target and it’s my first one

I’m currently searching for these


My brother gave me his tails plush